The Primary Reasons for Hiring a Skilled Probate Attorney for Your Will

by | Apr 10, 2020 | Law

Making out a will is not a small feat that you should take lightly. In fact, you need to spend a considerable amount of time deciding what you would like done with your estate after you die.

When you have some reasonable ideas about how you want your wealth divided up after your death, you then need to hire an experienced probate attorney in Sacramento to represent your interests. Your lawyer plays a major role in getting the probate court to listen to your will’s directives even when you are not there to appear before the judge.

Identifying Heirs

The people who are related to you are not automatically in line to receive your estate when you are gone. In fact, you can leave certain relatives out of your will and include people who are not even related to you in it.

Your lawyer makes sure that the court is aware of your directives for benefiting certain people over others with your wealth. He or she can present a written will that was written when you were in sound mind to the court.

Your probate attorney in Sacramento is also instrumental in making sure that your estate taxes are paid. He or she can use funds from your life insurance or liquid assets to pay your final tax bill to the IRS. This measure prevents the IRS from levying your estate and tying it up in probate court.

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