The Rise and Fall of CD Use By Christian Music Broadcasters

by | Aug 3, 2018 | Business

As music has made the switch to mostly digital media, CDs are fast going out of style. For Christian Music Broadcasters in Southlake, Tx, this is not a new move at all. For the most part, the commercial music industry, secular and Christian, has been making the shift for several years now. Still, it’s quite an adjustment to realize the CD is going down the same path the 78 RPM, 8-track and cassette have traveled.

Major Distributors to Discontinue CDs

It’s not so much that the beloved CD is no longer marketable, it’s just not as relevant in today’s digital society. Major retailers are one by one discontinuing the sale of the compact disk, even though they were big ticket items in the ‘80s and ‘90s. With downloads immediately available and live streaming of radio as well as other music venues, customers just aren’t buying as many, and sales have dropped around 20% across the board.

Benefits for Music Broadcasters

With the slow disappearance of CDs, the broadcasting industry may see many benefits. Christian Music Broadcasters in Southlake, Tx as well as other leaders in the broadcasting industry, can better serve their audiences through a digital supply. They no longer need to keep a physical collection of all the latest music. There’s no need to worry about a copy being destroyed, not working or lost. Storage is online, meaning there is no need to maintain a library of the current data, music or otherwise. Hard drives and the cloud have become major storage sources which translates into having data readily on hand precisely when it is needed. There’s no paying postage, waiting for the mail, or losing an item due to poor handling. It means the public can be served what they want faster than ever before.

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