The Tools of Custom CNC Machining

by | Feb 2, 2015 | Top Content Center Articles

If you’re in the business of making something simple, like say sheets of aluminum, you may not need custom CNC machines. If, however, you are making parts with precision cuts, holes, bends or grooves, custom CNC machining is probably going to be part of your process. A custom CNC machine can include a variety of devices to perform different tasks and create an assortment of different finished products.

CNC Milling Machines
A CNC milling machine is the backbone of any custom CNC machining system. This component uses rotary cutters and other tools to remove excess material from a work piece, leaving behind the precise shape you want, as defined by the computer blueprint. A CNC mill can cut multiple pieces to the exact same specifications and tolerances, and different mills can be configured to work on plastic, wood or various metals.

CNC Boring Machines
While a milling machine makes cuts in material, a boring machine makes holes. With CNC precision boring, holes can be cut to a precise width and depth on each piece. These machines can be oriented vertically or horizontally, and some of them have multiple bits that can be changed rapidly during the production process, allowing greater versatility in machining.

Other CNC Processes
Tapping is a very important process that is often part of custom CNC machining. A CNC tapping center allows threads to be put into any holes in a work piece so that screws or bolts can be used on it. There are also quite a few different types of cutters used on CNC machines, from laser cutters to lathes to surface grinders.

CNC Machine Products
The question isn’t so much “What can be made by a CNC machine,” but rather “What can’t be made by a CNC machine?” It’s difficult to imagine an object made of metal, plastic or wood that can’t be made by a CNC machine, particularly one custom designed to create that product. Manifolds, valves, gears and other engine parts are made by CNC machines for automobiles, aircraft, construction equipment and farm vehicles. Tools, electronics (including computer microelectronics), medical devices, pipe couplings and many other items, small and large, can be made by the custom machining process.

Creating a custom CNC machine for your business can seem like a daunting task, but the professionals at Kaufman Mfg. are here to help.

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