The Top Five Things That You Can Do to Prepare for a Home Fire

by | Sep 30, 2019 | Fire Protection

Every year, 2,600 people die each year due to home fires. Home fire deaths can usually be prevented if the family is prepared. There are several things that you can do in order to prepare for a home fire.

Install a Fire Alarm

You will need to install a fire alarm system in Los Angeles if you do not currently have one. You should test the fire alarm at least once a month in order to ensure that it works properly. If you have children, then you should teach them what the fire alarm sounds like.

Have Fire Drills

When many people hear a smoke alarm go off, they automatically panic. That is why it is a good idea to have fire drills. There should be at least two ways to escape the home. You should practice the fire drill at least once every six months.

Teach Stop, Drop and Roll

Stop, drop and roll is the best thing to do if your clothes are on fire. This is something that you will need to teach everyone in the household.

Visit the Fire Station

Most community fire stations have open houses. You and your children should visit the fire station. The firefighters will teach you how they gear up and prepare to fight a fire. This will be a good experience for your children because this will teach them what to expect if a firefighter comes to their home.

Reduce the Risk of a Fire

There are some things that you can do in order to reduce the risk of a fire. You will need to check the electrical wiring and replace exposed wires and loose plugs. You will also need to make sure that your home heating sources are working properly.

If you need a fire alarm system in Los Angeles, then you can contact Fire Protection Group Inc.

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