The Vital Parts of A PV System in Hawaii

by | Dec 18, 2013 | Solar

More and more people are utilizing renewable sources of energy in order to help protect the environment. The fossil fuels that the United States depends on are actually causing harm to the environment. The heavy dependency of these fuels is arguably the reason for the phenomenon that many see as global warming. However, many people are turning to the sun in order to combat the heavy use of coal and oil, and harnessing solar energy isn’t as difficult as some may think.

One of the first things you’ll need is a solar PV Hawaii has available. These are basically panels used to intercept the sun’s rays. You’ve probably seen them on rooftops. They’re panels that come in a variety of sizes. In order for them to be properly utilized they need to be placed in an area that receives the most amount of direct sunlight during the day. The more sunlight the panels intercept the more energy you’ll be able to harness.

Your system will also consist of a battery. The battery is very important because it’s being charged by the sunlight. In fact, the battery connected to your solar panels will continue to charge and discharge for the entire day. The battery will charge while the panels receive rays from the sun, and will slowly discharge and be a power supply until sunlight is available once again. A special solar battery will be need for your system, because solar batteries react better to having their power fluctuate.

As you just read, while the sun is shining, the battery for your system will be charging. However, if this charging process continues, then the battery could overcharge and become damaged. How is this solved? This problem is solved by a charge controller – the name is pretty self-explanatory. This device works to control the charge being received by the battery. This device works to prevent the solar battery from overcharging and also draining rapidly.

Last but not least, your system will need a power inverter. In some cases, you can find these built into a PV Hawaii has available. The energy your panels receive is in the form of a DC, or direct current, however, the energy your home uses is an AC, or alternating current. The inverter simply converts DC to AC.


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