Thermal Spray Coating – Process of Application Explained

by | Aug 29, 2017 | Metal Fabrication

Thermal spray coating products have been used in various industries for a number of decades now. The technology of these coating products has advanced in recent years enabling metal finishing to be applied in the form of high-performance coatings for various materials. A reliable metal finishing company will have the right knowledge and capabilities to handle your coating project requirements.

Steps of the Thermal Spraying Process

Process of applying thermal spray coating follows a number of steps, which include part preparation, masking, fixturing, coating application, finishing, and the inspection.

The thermal spraying process often involves applying molten material to a part for the purpose of producing a very fine-grained finish on its surface. The material that is powder formed is subjected to a flame that is often acetylene or hydrogen-based – the flame is formed into a fine spray. The molten particles produced by the flame are applied to the metal surface. The molten powder applied to the surface solidifies quickly. As well, the part that is subjected to the finishing process may be maintained at a low temperature in order to avoid any issues with the compound. This process is sometimes referred to as cold processing.

Benefits of the Spraying Process

The spraying process described above enables you to have a wide selection of options for your coating. Various types of materials can be transferred into powder form, giving you different choices regarding the type of coating you want for a particular part. Some materials that require melting point that is higher than what the flame can produce or that may incur damage when heated to a particular temperature may not be suitable for this process.

Choosing an Industrial Metal Finishing Company

You want to depend on an industry leader in the industrial coating services sector to help you find the right thermal spray coating product you need and also applied as coatings as necessary in accordance with your project requirements. The coating and finishing company you choose should have a strong track record of serving other customers with similar project requirements of years and be able to demonstrate that track record to you.

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