Things that Can Go Wrong with Plumbing Over the Holidays in Orangeville, ON

by | Nov 14, 2019 | plumbing

The holidays are getting closer, and for many that means spending time with family and friends. It also means that colder temperatures will be moving into the area. Both of these can have an impact on your plumbing. Below are some of the common things that can happen with your plumbing over the holidays. If any of these occur, call in a professional who does Orangeville ON plumbing.

Clogged Drains

Probably the most common issue that happens this time of year is clogged drains. Whether it’s from food going down the disposal or more people using your shower, clogged drains can cause a lot of issues. If you notice that your water is flowing down the drain slower than normal, don’t wait. Call in a professional and get the issue taken care of.

Frozen Pipes

When the cold weather moves in, this increases your chances of having your pipes freeze. It can be annoying not to have water when you turn on your faucet, but a frozen pipe can also burst. This can cause a lot of damage in your home. To prevent frozen pipes, get some help from professionals who do Orangeville ON plumbing.

No Hot Water

If you have a house full of guests, you can probably assume that they are using your hot water faster than the heater can heat it. However, if you notice that you don’t have as much when it’s just you and your family, this could be an issue with your heater. Call in a plumber to inspect the appliance to determine if it needs repaired or replaced.

If you experience any of these common issues over the holidays, contact Plumbs Up Plumbing & Drains. Their experienced plumbers have the skills and ability to take care of any plumbing problems that might arise, even emergencies.

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