Things to Consider for Successful Negotiation of Relocation Assistance

by | Jul 25, 2017 | Law

If you are contemplating job offers or have been asked to move by your company, then you have probably thought about relocation assistance.  Relocation assistance is any type of assistance, usually financial, that a company offers in order to help an employee change locations.  While most companies offer a standard relocation assistance package, relocation assistance needs are individual.  If you are contemplating a job offer and trying to determine the value of an offered relocation assistance package, you need to think about your particular needs.  By showing the company that you will incur specific costs as a result of your relocation, you may be more likely to negotiate the company’s coverage of that expenses.

First, think about your actual needs.  Generally, these needs may be financial, but they might not be cash-only needs.  For example, will you be facing a higher-cost-of-living?  Will you need to relocate and purchase a new home before you are able to sell your old home?  Do you need area-expert experience to find a good school district or a good daycare?  Whatever your needs in a new area, consider them and consider how your employer can help you meet them.

Second, if the company has a written relocation policy, ask to see if before entering into negotiations.  Generally, employers will cover at least some portion of: moving costs, temporary lodging costs, assistance in selling your house, travel to visit your family until they can relocate, and sometimes job assistance for your spouse.  While the written relocation policy should not be seen as a limit on what you can negotiate, it will help you see what your company generally pays.  If you can speak to a recent hire about their relocation assistance, that can be really helpful.  If you are getting the job through a recruiter, you can ask the recruiter about the company’s relocation process.

Third, be prepared to demonstrate how what you are seeking benefits, not only you, but also the company. For example, if you ask for help selling your old home, you can demonstrate how that will likely reduce the time that the company will be paying for you to visit your family.  The more you can show how the benefits you are seeking help your employer, the more likely you are to be successful in your relocation assistance negotiations.

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