Three Signs It’s Time To Call an Air Conditioner Service in Glendale

by | Apr 26, 2021 | HVAC Contractor

Three Signs It’s Time To Call an Air Conditioner Service in Glendale

The hotter months are just around the corner, and those little issues that your air conditioner is having now can put you in crisis mode later. Here are a few signs that it is time to get your unit serviced.

It Turns On and Off

A unit that turns on and off is one that is not only in distress but is probably also responsible for your rising electricity bill. If it is unable to sustain for a long period of time, have an air conditioning service Glendale, AZ, figure out the cause. A simple tune-up might be enough to get things back on track and reduce your energy costs.

It Is Blowing Warm Air

Warm air during the wintertime might seem like a blessing, but as springtime approaches, things can get a little too heated. In these cases, the compressor might need a little attention, but it is best to call an air conditioning service Glendale, AZ, to get a more accurate diagnosis.

Your Home Is Humid

Even if it is humid outside, your home should never feel muggy. Climate control is one of the many functions of a well-functioning air conditioner unit, so if your home is at battle with excess moisture, you have a serious problem. Usually, a re-calibration will do the trick, but some instances call for a more complex solution.

Don’t wait until you are drenched with sweat to get your air conditioner serviced; get in touch with the experts at Business URL to schedule an appointment today!

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