Three Ways You’ll Save Money When You Live Off-Campus in Gainesville

by | Oct 10, 2023 | Top Content Center Articles

There are many advantages to living in offcampus student housing in Gainesville. From gaining more freedom to having someplace to study without distractions, there are countless reasons students give up their dorms after the first semester. One advantage that students don’t often consider is that the cost of living is lower when they live in off-campus apartments.

Save on Your Meals

It’s hard to avoid overspending on food when you stay in a campus dorm. You’ll either have to get your meals from the university cafeteria, or you’ll have to buy pricey fast food. When you rent an off-campus apartment, you’ll have a full kitchen where you can store and prepare meals. You can buy groceries in bulk, choose cheaper items, and prepare larger meals that you can freeze in single-serve portions to supplement your savings.

Avoid Monthly Subscription Fees

As you live on campus, you might need to join a gym to provide yourself with a place to work out. You might also need to pay for the use of copiers, fax machines, and desktop computers. You’ll save on these services and more in an off-campus apartment. Most apartment communities have fitness centers, swimming pools, business centers, and more amenities that are accessible for their residents to use.

Earn More to Save More

When you live in a dorm, you might need to meet a curfew every night. Even if you can get permission to work a job in the late evening, leaving and returning to your dorm can be disruptive to your roommate. When you live in off-campus student housing in Gainesville, you’ll have more freedom to work later hours. This can provide you with opportunities to earn extra income as you earn your degree.

Discover more benefits of living off-campus when you visit the Redpoint Gainesville website at

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