Tips For Designing Custom Table Covers For Wedding Receptions

by | Jan 7, 2015 | Business

As more and more couples are planning and decorating for their own weddings to help to keep down costs there are more options than ever to create a unique presentation. Designing custom table covers that are individual and special to your special event not only adds to the room look and décor but they can also be used as wedding favors for those special people in attendance.

If you are considering custom table covers for your wedding reception there are a few things to keep in mind. The first and most important is to order from a company that has been in business for more than a few years. This ensures that you will get the service and the product that you need delivered when you need it.

Color Choice

Your wedding colors will need to be determined before you can order custom table covers for your reception. However, if you know that you want an all-white or monochromatic ivory look to your reception then you don’t have to worry about coordinating with other wedding colors.

You can choose one color for the background of the table cover and one for any design or message you want to include. You may also want to go with a simple white or off-white background and use the accent colors in the wedding party for the design or message.

Options for Designs

More ornate or decorative circular or square designs in the center of custom table covers can be used in place of a more elaborate centerpiece. A smaller centerpiece of flowers, candles or lanterns combined with the ornate or decorative center design is a beautiful and simple presentation.

Popular options for these center or border designs on custom table covers include sprays of flowers, wedding bells, art deco patterns and designs or interlocking types of patterns. Any design or pattern, or even a single image that you like, can be used.

You may also want to have the bride and groom’s name as well as the date of the wedding as part of the custom design. This is a wonderful option if you are later going to present different friends and family with the custom table covers as a reminder of your very special wedding day.

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