Tips for Helping Your Loved One With Alzheimer’s Enjoy the Day

by | Mar 20, 2020 | Retirement

If you’re looking into Alzheimer’s assisted living in San Antonio, TX, you probably have a loved one who’s suffering from the condition. Alzheimer’s can be extremely frustrating for loved ones and patients alike, do it’s important that loved ones do everything that they can to help patients adjust where they can. While it’s easy to sometimes feel a bit helpless when dealing with Alzheimer’s, there are things that you can do to help your loved one feel more comfortable throughout the day and in control of some aspect of their life. Check out the following tips.

Cut Down on Sound

When dealing with an Alzheimer’s patient, you want to cut down on the amount of sound and movement that surrounds them. Too much noise or stimulation can make them feel extremely overwhelmed. Instead, create a peaceful calm environment with simple silence or things like quiet music that they used to love. Don’t take them into crowded environments like shopping centers or anywhere else where they could become agitated.

Give Them Fun Tasks

There are times when Alzheimer’s patients really want something to do. Get them involved in tasks that they used to be good at like knitting, or allow them to help you with your tasks. Don’t get discouraged if they can’t complete what they set out to do. The whole point is to simply include them in activities.

Stick to a Schedule

Some things that Alzheimer’s patients seem to crave are schedules and routines. Abrupt changes to their routines can make them become extremely agitated, causing you stress as well. One tip that some doctors recommend is to ask family members to leave written notes in easy-to-see areas so that the patient has a better chance of remembering them. Some Alzheimer’s patients sometimes seem to respond better to written words rather than to spoken words.

Reach out to them by visiting the website so that you can find out more info about Alzheimer’s assisted living in San Antonio, TX.

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