Tips For Living Green in Your Student Apartments in Tallahassee, FL

by | Oct 26, 2023 | Student Housing Center

Living a green lifestyle is a great way to save the environment and even money. The best part is that you can find several ways to live green in your student apartments in Tallahassee, FL.

Reduce The Paper Documents: Start by reducing the paper documents in your student apartment, such as opting for online billing, bank statements, and reading material. You can also ask your professor about taking notes digitally to avoid wasting paper.

Reusable Bags for Outings: Whether you are going grocery shopping or transporting a class project, it is best to choose a reusable bag over a disposable plastic bag. This way, you are not contributing to the waste of plastic resources.

Reusable Water Bottles: You can avoid buying disposable water bottles by investing in a good reusable water bottle for the apartment, class, or fitness center. Some water bottles even have built-in filters to keep your water clean and healthy.

Take The Campus Shuttle: While it may be tempting to drive to class, taking the campus shuttle reduces the amount of traffic, contributing to air pollution. It also saves you money on gas, which makes this method a win-win for everyone.

Utilize The Community Amenities: Another way to reduce traffic is to utilize the community amenities. For example, use the on-site fitness center and study space instead of driving to a local gym or library.

If you are planning to move to Redpoint Tallahassee, be sure to visit to learn more about the student apartments in Tallahassee, FL.

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