Tips for Protecting Your New Home From Termite Threats in Melbourne

by | Jul 1, 2022 | Pest Control

Termites are one of the most devastating pests that can affect your home. Having a termite infestation is particularly damaging because they are capable of eating 24 hours a day. The best way to protect your home from termites is to prevent an infestation from taking place. Follow these tips for protecting your new home from termite threats.

Keep Plants Away from Your Home’s Foundation

While some homeowners choose to place plants around the home to increase the curb appeal, having plants too near the foundation can actually draw termites. Keeping your foundation free from wood and roots of plants is an easy preventative termite treatment in Melbourne.

Don’t Allow Water Issues to Become a Problem

Termites need soil that is rich in moisture in order to thrive. Drainage issues in your home can provide termites with an attractive area to breed and build their colony. Taking care of any drainage issues is an essential termite treatment in Melbourne.

Do Not Stack Wood Near Your Home

Wood is a favorite meal for termites. Stacking wood anywhere near your home is a good way to invite termites to come invade your home. If you must stack wood on your property, always do it far away from your home, and always inspect any firewood before it comes into your house.

Consider a Professional Inspection

When you move into a new home, you will likely give the home a thorough inspection. Consider hiring a professional termite inspection team so you can immediately treat any infestations before they can cause further damage to your home.

To know more contact Flick Pest Control Melbourne at their website today.

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