Tips for Selecting the Best Landscape Designer

by | Nov 24, 2014 | Landscaping

There are few elements that affect the overall mood and atmosphere of a home or office than its exterior landscape design. Gone are the days where a nice plot of grass a few well-placed bushes are all it takes to impress neighbors or clients. As the landscaping industry evolves, so does the need for a well-respected and talented landscape designer.

An experienced landscape architect is capable of producing elements that highlight specific property qualities while diminishing attention to less-attractive portions of a yard. When searching for the Best Landscape Designer, it’s best to choose one that meets and exceeds property owner goals while simultaneously offering unique viewpoints and design elements that would otherwise go unknown.

Perhaps the most invaluable factor when selecting a designer is his training in horticultural methodologies. Generally, landscape designers feature the title of Master Gardner, which requires at least 88 hours of landscape design training. However, the best designers are those with an eye for design and plants. With a certificate in horticulture, designers are required to undergo a minimum of 1,000 hours of plant-specific training. As a yard grows and evolves, so does the need for specialized maintenance solutions and seasonal servicing. While the majority of “start up” landscape ventures specialize in implementing designs, the best in this field are companies that specialize in design implementation, maintenance and seasons servicing. It’s only when all three of these elements are carried out that a yard turns from a plot of land into a living, breathing masterpiece.

While some believe landscape designing is simply combining a few plants with several well-placed rock and water features, this art form is far more defined. The Best Landscape Designer is one that meticulously blends architecture with landscaping elements. When properly implemented, yard designs seamlessly integrate with building architecture, which results in stunning masterpieces bound to attract attention while simultaneously increasing property value.

Although the aforementioned are vital determining factors when locating the perfect landscape designer, the most important element is also the cornerstone of this industry: the designer’s ability to listen. Property owners may not have a full understanding of what they desire, but they almost always have a basic idea. The best designers are those that take these raw, misshapen ideas and transform them into genuine works of art. Visit us for more info.

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