When the decision has been made to consider vitamin D as a possible supplement, it is important that the dosage is considered. Vitamin D can easily be overused; this leads to high levels of toxicity in the user. As well as the dosage, the frequency of ingestion is also a consideration as is the form in which the vitamin will be taken. When determining the appropriate dosage the other sources of Vitamin D must be considered, these sources are food and sunlight.
A vitamin contract manufacturer of Vitamin D produces it in liquid, tablet and capsule form. Liquid is the suggested method as it assimilates with the body quicker. The package gives all the details of the supplement, including the dosage. Some manufacturers and distributors suggest that two tablets a day be taken to reach the recommended supplementary level.
Although scientific knowledge is constantly being expanded, there is still some debate over the dosage of Vitamin D. A prestigious medical academy in the US has suggested that 200 international units a day are sufficient for people up to the age of about 50. Once the individual reaches 50 plus the dosage can be increased. A well respected contract vitamin manufacturer on the other hand has suggested that 200 IUs daily is too low and suggest a dosage of 1,000 IUs or greater. As one can see, the debate still rages.
Vitamin D is available in five forms; the most common forms are D2 and D3. D3 is produced by a contract vitamin manufacturer and is more effective than D2 which comes from plants, fungi and some invertebrates. The manufacturers of vitamins produce both forms in the way of a supplement but evidence shows that D3 is better absorbed in the body.
It is not wise to overdose on Vitamin D as there are a number of inherent side effects. These side effects include severe headaches, vomiting, kidney stones and continued over use can lead to renal failure. Doctors recommend those women who are pregnant and those that are nursing their new born do not take any type of Vitamin D as it can pass from mother to child. Everyone must take into account the amount of Vitamin D they get from daily food intake and exposure to the sun, when this is considered, the need for the supplement can drop dramatically.