Tips on Getting a Court Ordered Paternity Test

by | Oct 16, 2014 | Legal Services

For many people, having a child is a great experience in their life that only serves to bring them closer and strengthen the bond that they have. But there are instances where the father of the child refuses to claim them as their own, which can put the mother of the child in a bad position. If the father of the child refuses to help with the expenses that come along with taking care of them, then you many have take legal action. The following are a few tips on getting a Court Ordered Paternity Test.

Expect Resistance and Keep a Cool Head

When you alert the father of the child that you are going for a court ordered paternity test, you need to expect a fair amount of resistance on their part. If no papers were signed by the father of the child at the time of their birth, then you may have an uphill battle when it comes to getting a paternity test. You need to make sure that you keep a cool head in all of your dealings with the father of the child because fighting back and forth will get nothing accomplished.

Court Order is a Last Option

Before you result to getting a court ordered DNA test, you need to try and reason with the father of the child to get a resolution that does not involve the courts. The court ordered paternity test should be your last ditch effort to determine the paternity of your child. If the father is unresponsive and combative when it comes a paternity test, then you will have to get a court order. The longer you wait to get your court order, the harder you will find it is to obtain it.

Legal Help

If you are not able to afford an attorney to help with your case, then you need to check out the pro bono lawyers at work in your area. In some cases, you may not be able to find one to help you, which means you will have to pursue other avenues.

You need to call the attorney general’s office in your state, because they may be able to help you get the resolution you are looking for. Although getting a court ordered paternity test can be a drawn out process, it is definitely worth it in the end.

If you find yourself in need of Court Ordered Paternity Test, then look no further than Legal DNA Testing.


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