Top Reasons To Go To Physical Therapy

by | Nov 2, 2022 | Health

There are many different benefits to attending physical therapy after an injury, surgical procedure, or a medical issue that causes problems with balance, mobility, or range of motion in one or more areas of the body. 

Using a personalized and customized approach, a physical therapist creates a treatment plan that is based on the needs of the patient. The plan often includes stretches, exercise, and lifestyle changes that help to speed up healing and reduce the risk of ongoing problems. 

Reduces the Need for Surgery 

For many types of injuries, physical therapy in Weaverville, NC provides an early option to help reduce the need for invasive surgical procedures. Through different options, the joint or area of the body can be strengthened and healed, eliminating the risks that go along with any surgical procedure. 

Help Reduce Pain Without Medications 

Physical therapists in Weaverville, NC, may use a variety of different techniques and treatment options to naturally reduce pain. This can include electrical stimulation of muscles or the use of ultrasound to reduce pain. For many patients, reducing pain levels allows them to avoid the use of prescription or over-the-counter pain medications. 

Recovering from Physical Challenges 

Sports injuries, complications from a stroke, or recovery after trauma to the body can leave a patient in Weaverville, NC, with limited mobility and a lot of pain. Working with a physical therapist helps to strengthen and heal the areas of the body that are negatively impacted by these issues. In many cases,  physical therapy helps patients to learn how to manage ongoing physical challenges and to help prevent falls in the future.

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