Top Reasons to Retest for Radon

by | Feb 2, 2017 | Business

Radon levels and the radon test results you get when you test for it can vary greatly each time the test is done because the levels can fluctuate. After you get radon gas mitigation done, then you still need to have your home retested regularly to ensure that your levels stay down and your family isn’t in danger. Read on below for a few of the top reasons why you should retest for radon in your home on a regular basis.

Radon Levels Change

The radon levels in your home are steadily changing, so even if you have a long-term radon test done after radon gas mitigation, you need to test your home at least every six months. It’s better to be safe than to be sorry later on. It doesn’t cost that much and having your home tested will give you the peace of mind you need to continue living in that home for years to come.

If You Add on to the Home

Any time that you make any type of structural changes to your home, you need to do radon testing as you could be opening up more cracks or releasing radon gasses without even realizing it. The more frequently you add onto your home or make structural changes, the more frequently you should have the home tested for radon.

If You Start Using a Lower Floor of the Home

If you had the first floor of the home tested but then started using the basement instead, you need to have the home retested, just in case, there are radon gasses in the basement.

These are just a few of the reasons why you should have your home retested for radon. If you have any of these things happening in your home, make sure to contact the professionals at SWAT Environmental for help today.

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