Trampolines and Your Home Insurance in North Miami Beach

by | Aug 16, 2023 | Insurance

Trampolines are entertaining additions to your backyard that can occupy your children, and maybe even you, for hours. It’s not as easy as it appears to manage your trampoline, though. They come with many risks for homeowners that should be properly considered.

For instance, you could believe that your home insurance will cover any problems with your trampoline. However, there’s a good chance that it’s either not covered or you’ll have to go through many hoops to receive coverage.

Let’s examine what you should know about trampolines and home insurance in North Miami Beach.

Will Costs Increase?

Most of the time, having a trampoline will raise your home insurance premiums. You’re asking the insurance provider to cover the costs if something goes wrong while significantly modifying your risk profile. The logical outcome of your greater risk of having a claim made against you if someone is injured is a higher insurance premium.

In addition, an insurance provider such as Del Toro Insurance will probably need you to pass a few requirements before providing trampoline coverage. Probably the most prevalent are safety regulations.

Other Things to Consider

Home insurance in North Miami Beach covers personal liability up to a certain amount. It protects you if someone gets hurt on your property and sues you for being careless. But even if your house insurance covers trampolines, your personal liability coverage limits may not be enough once you add a trampoline. If you buy a trampoline, one way to make sure that you’re covered is to raise the damage amounts on your home insurance policy with your home insurance agency.

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