Tricks to Understand the Differences Between Various Types of Car Keys

by | Jul 24, 2019 | Autos

When you buy a vehicle from pre-owned car dealers in Fort Wayne, the last order of business will be to receive the keys to your car. The type of key you receive, however, depends mainly on the age and type of vehicle that you choose. Here is a basic summary of the different kinds of car keys to help you better understand your options.

Basic Key
These keys resemble the keys that you use for the locks on your home, and they work in exactly the same manner. The key is cut so that it pushes back certain pins in the lock mechanism a specific distance. When the correct arrangement of pins is achieved, you can turn the ignition and start the vehicle. These keys are easy and inexpensive to reproduce should you lose them, though this ease of reproduction means that those with less-than-pure intentions can also gain access to your vehicle fairly easily.

Smart Key
These keys include a small chip at the end of the key that must be verified by your vehicle’s computer in order to start the car. Though the key itself is fairly easy to replicate, the presence of the chip makes it more expensive to make a working copy. It also helps cut down on theft, as a programmed key must be used to engage the ignition. Most cars that are equipped with smart keys can still be unlocked by a standard key, meaning you can keep a spare key hidden in a safe place.

Proximity Key
Though the technology first appeared in the early 1990s, proximity keys are the newest and most advanced types of keys you’ll find at pre-owned car dealers in Fort Wayne. Thanks to built-in radio transmitters, you can both can gain access to and start your car without ever removing the key from your pocket or purse. This is especially handy if you’re trying to escape a rainstorm and don’t want to have to fumble around in your pockets looking for a key. The advanced technology used in these keys makes them the most expensive to reproduce, but it also makes vehicles equipped with the technology the most difficult to steal.

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