Turn Your School Year Into a Successful One When Sharing an Apartment

by | Jan 7, 2021 | Student Housing Center

When you share an apartment with other college students, you’re likely going to have your own space compared to being in a dorm, but there are also a few boundaries that you want to ensure that you keep. Here are some essentials to keep in mind so that this living arrangement is successful for the school year.

Nit Picky

When you move into one of the UNC Chapel Hill apartments with other students, you need to settle a few of the picky little annoyances that might pop up later on down the road. If there’s a time when someone plans to be outside the apartment or doesn’t want to be disturbed, then this should be noted. You also need to set a few ground rules and chores so that everyone knows what’s expected.


Just because you share one of the UNC Chapel Hill apartments with someone else doesn’t mean that you’ll be best friends with your roommates. You could establish a friendship and possibly even get close while living together, but don’t be surprised if you simply share a living space while you’re in school.


Try to understand that schedules change over the course of a semester. You might need to study more in the apartment, requiring more quiet time from your roommates. There could be more people visiting during the holiday seasons or for special events. Look at each situation as it arises instead of jumping to conclusions and maintaining the set rules that you established, especially if it’s a minor change that can be made. Explore the apartments offered at Lark Chapel Hill by visiting their website where you can see pictures and get information about renting a unit.

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