Types of Assault Charges And Why You Need An Assault Lawyer

by | Mar 29, 2020 | Law

Have you ever been physically assaulted? Have you ever physically assaulted anyone? Assault is a serious offense, and those who commit such a crime could see severe punishment. Whether you’re the victim or the attack you should have an Assault Lawyer in San Antonio by your side. Let’s take a look at an assault charge and how the legal matter is approached and resolved.

These types of charges are taken very seriously by both police officers and judges. Assault charges can refer to a variety of attacks. For instance, an assault charge can refer to a simple domestic squabble between two spouses or a bar fight between to bar patrons. Other assault cases often refer to murder and even sexual assault. With such a wide variety of attacks you can see why these incidents are treated very seriously.

If you’re the victim in this situation, you’re going to need to find a Assault Lawyer in San Antonio. You and your lawyer can work to build a case against the defendant. Evidence and witnesses will be two of the most important factors you and your lawyer will need to consider. Pictures of the physical damage you sustained or surveillance video are two types of evidence that can go a long way. Actually having a someone who witnessed the attack will help your case tremendously.

Being the alleged offender in an assault case can be hard. Depending on the details of your offense you could be faces months or years in jail. Make sure that you hire the best lawyer possible. Defendants in your position have a choice between private and state appointed attorneys. Attorneys appointed by the state carry the stigma of being busy lawyers who work on numerous cases at once. However, state appointed lawyers are well experienced and provide their services pro bono. Private lawyers have a reputation of being more attentive but they’re services are often more expensive.

As you can see, assault charges are nothing to laugh at. Victims are often fatally wounded and assailants routinely face severe punishments. When you find yourself in cases like this, whether as the assailant or victim, you should have a lawyer from Law Office Of Jesse Hernandez on your side to help guide you.

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