Types Of Drug Charges That Need Hiring Drug Crime Attorney

by | May 2, 2022 | Lawyers and Law Firms

When charged with a drug crime, you should get proper representation from a Drug Crime Attorney in Dickinson otherwise you might end up behind bars. It is illegal to get involved with controlled substances. You can be charged if found:


Manufacturing and producing controlled substances is illegal, and anyone found guilty of it is prosecuted. Meth labs and growing marijuana are some of the most common cases that the authorities have to deal with.

In Possession Of The Illegal Drugs

Management, custody, control, and actual care of controlled substances fall under possession charges. Actual possession is where the drugs are found in one’s physical possession. Constructive possession is where the drugs are found in the suspect’s house or office.

In Conspiracy

Conspiring with others to possess controlled substances to distribute them is a crime. If the conspiring and planning succeed, it usually involves actual possession of large amounts of the illegal drugs. That is why authorities ensure that they bring down any form of conspiracy before the case becomes complicated. Conspiracy cases usually involve several suspects.


Someone found in possession of illegal substances to sell or transport is also criminally charged. The authorities tell whether the drugs were for personal use or they were for distribution by the amount they find.

The Most Commonly Abused Drugs

Methamphetamine- Cold medicines, household ingredients, and some prescription drugs are the major ingredients used to manufacture methamphetamine. This drug abuse is highly on the rise and some states have increased the years of sentencing anyone found guilty.

Cocaine- Possession, and distribution of cocaine are illegal. Even the smallest amount of cocaine found in your possession can see you behind bars.

Marijuana- Cultivation, distribution, and possession of marijuana is a crime. However, the amount one found in possession must be usable for possession charges to hold ground.

Prescription Drugs- Giving prescription drugs to the wrong person, taking or possessing prescription drugs without a doctor’s consent, or forging a prescription is a serious felony.

For a good defense on any of the above charges, hire a drug crime attorney in Dickinson. You can also contact Mark Diaz Attorney at Law by visiting his website online.

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