Understanding Comprehensive Automotive Insurance in Peoria, IL

by | May 6, 2022 | Top Content Center Articles

Someone who is aware of a car being destroyed by lightning or another weather event will probably be interested in comprehensive insurance coverage. This is considered optional, although people financing their vehicles typically are required to have it. Independent agents can provide quotes for the legally mandated liability car insurance in Peoria, IL, along with comprehensive and collision coverage.

Filing a Claim

When a vehicle owner needs to file a claim under the comprehensive part of the policy, the agent can handle this. An adjuster may visit the property to view the car in person. Otherwise, photos may suffice.

Signs of a Lightning Strike

Definitive signs indicate a lightning strike. The exterior or interior could have burn marks, and the car might have started on fire. Lightning sometimes destroys the electronic components and electrical wiring. The engine could be severely damaged. If the automobile is declared a total loss, car insurance in Peoria, IL, provides the current value to the policyholder.

Other Weather Events

Comprehensive coverage is valuable for other weather events as well. It compensates the vehicle owner for damage caused by a hailstorm, tornado, or flood. If the wind blows a large tree branch onto the car, repairs for damage also are paid for.

Additional Examples

This portion of the policy pays for issues caused by certain other incidents that are not weather-related. Examples include vandalism, fire, and collisions with wildlife. It pays the vehicle’s current value if someone steals the car and it’s never found. Essentially, comprehensive insurance covers incidents that don’t involve the car colliding with other automobiles or stationary objects like utility poles.

Anyone shopping for automotive insurance contact Accurate Auto Insurance for car insurance in Peoria, IL.

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