Understanding the fitting process for porcelain veneers

by | Jun 8, 2017 | Top Content Center Articles

Dental veneers are some of the most common solutions for problematic teeth.  They have both medical and aesthetic benefits, and last relatively long. If you are looking to get Porcelain Veneers in North Hollywood, you will be happy to know that this area has some of the most capable dentists in the Hollywood area.

Types or veneers

A dental veneer is a thin layer made to fit onto the upper layer of a tooth. Generally, there are two major types of veneers. The first type, composite resin veneers, is made directly in the mouth. Since they are made on the day of the dental appointment, only one appointment is required. This makes them a preferred option for many as they are a quicker, cheaper and less destructive option. The second option is the porcelain veneer, which is made indirectly. The porcelain veneer process requires several appointments and a tooth impression, with the final product made in the laboratory. Fitting this type of veneer will require two or three visits to the dental office. Patients prefer them for their superior appearance, and use them for the extreme cases of fracturing, spacing, unevenness, chipping and discoloration. They also last much longer, resisting staining that comes from coffee, tea and cigarettes.

The fitting process

Fitting a porcelain veneer takes time. On the day of the first visit, the doctor will examine the patient’s teeth and ask some questions. They might take X-ray photos and make teeth impressions. The second appointment is the preparation stage. Some veneers require slight removal of the shiny front enamel part of the tooth. The volume removed corresponds to the size of veneer that will be fitted. This stage could be painful for some, and might require administration of a local anesthetic to numb the gums. After this, a mold impression of the tooth is taken and given to the dental technician. They take up to two weeks working on the enamel veneer for the final stage. The last stage is the fitting and bonding stage. The veneer is placed onto the tooth and fitted with special glue. Small adjustments might be made after fitting it and running tests. Some dentists require a follow up visit after this.

Problems with the teeth are stressful enough without having to struggle with finding the right clinic. At 1st Choice dental, you can enjoy quality care at the hands of attentive staff and capable experts. Visit our website today for more information.

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