Upgrading Your Sprinkler System? 3 Questions to Ask a Fire Safety Expert

by | Aug 22, 2019 | Fire and Security

Whether you’re making changes to an existing system or installing a brand new one, you probably have questions about fire sprinklers and how they work. The good news is that there are fire sprinkler contractors around NJ who can answer those questions. Here are some examples of questions that many contractors hear and answer on a regular basis.

How Do You Know How Many Sprinkler Heads Are Needed?

A lot depends on the nature of the facility itself and how it’s used. A system designed for a manufacturing plant will require more heads per zone since there are more people occupying the space. With a home system, fewer heads are needed to adequately protect each room. A professional can provide the answer based on the square footage, the way the space is used, and any current safety regulations that apply in the immediate area.

Won’t These Sprinklers Cause a Lot of Water Damage?

As any of the fire sprinkler contractors around NJ will tell you, water damage from the use of overhead sprinkler systems is significantly less than using water hoses. That’s because the heads use less water while still being able to contain a fire. While many surfaces will get wet, most of them can be cleaned with ease. Even upholstered furnishings can be professionally cleaned to extract any water.

Who Can Install a New Fire Sprinkler System?

You definitely want one of the fire sprinkler contractors around NJ to manage the installation. The goal is to ensure the system is installed in full compliance with local safety regulations. The contractor will also not consider the job complete until the system is inspected and there’s no doubt that it works properly.

Are you thinking about doing something to improve your fire safety measures? Now is the time to talk with a contractor about adding or replacing a fire sprinkler system. It won’t take long to settle on a system that includes all the features needed to protect everyone in the building in the event of a fire.

For more information, visit Newark Professional Fire Protection.

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