Use Dream Catchers in Nashville to Catch Good Dreams in Your Home

by | Feb 22, 2023 | Shopping

A dream catcher’s design lets good dreams pass through while stopping bad ones. Native Americans constructed the first dream catchers in about 1850. Since that time, people in many cultures have adopted them. While some slight variations exist between different cultures, each part of the dream catcher has a symbolic meaning


The outside circle of a dream catcher symbolizes the circle of life. In some cultures, it also represents the sun and the moon.


Inside the dream catcher are strings resembling a spider’s web. In most cultures, the web is representative of the heart. It lets good dreams go through while stopping bad ones.

Beads or shells

In some cultures, the beads or shells represent good dreams waiting to filter through the web. If there is only one bead, then it is representative of a higher power that is spinning your dreams.


Where the string passes over the outside of the hoop is called points, and you will see dream catchers in Nashville, TN with different numbers of points. When there are 13, they represent the moon’s phases, but if there are only five, they represent a star. If there are six, they stand for a mighty eagle, but if there are seven, each one stands for one of the seven prophecies believed by the Ojibwa people for North America.


Dream catchers in Nashville, TN sometimes have crosses in their middle. Each point of the cross stands for one of the cardinal directions.


The original creators of dream catchers believed feathers gave good dreams a path from the web into a person’s life.

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