Vehicle Deal Negotiation: The Art of Getting a Fair Deal

by | Apr 14, 2017 | Auto Repair

Most retail interactions today do not involve any negotiation. A price is listed, and you either agree with it and make a purchase, or disagree and move on. There are some cases where you can negotiate, but it seems to be a lost art. There is not many places to work on the skills needed to be a successful negotiator, but there are some tips that you can use to get the best from a car salesman.

Avoid Your Highest Price Point

A salesman is going to ask you how much you are willing to spend. They need to get an idea of where your price point is to show you relevant cars. Car dealers in Buffalo Grove do need to know what range of vehicles are going to be applicable to you. However, be wary if they ask if you can afford more. When you say you can afford $50 more a month, they have likely pushed up what they will show you.

Check-out Your Fees

While many dealerships have fees that are part of every sale, it is still important that you pay attention to what they are adding on. Make sure that everything is clear before you agree to a price, as you may be able to use the fees as a negotiation point. This also shows the salesman that you are paying attention to the bottom line, and are less likely to be sold by small add-ons you do not want or need.

Know What You are Buying

The most important thing when entering a negotiation is having a clear idea on what you are trying to buy, and knowing how much it is actually worth to you. Manufacturer’s rebates are a sneaky way that some salesmen may try to make a price look better. Be aware of what is currently offered from the manufacturer, and that knowledge can help you haggle your way to a better deal.

If you are looking for car dealers in Buffalo Grove check out Arlington Heights Ford. Visit their website, for more information.

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