Vinyl Window Repair: Rare but Necessary

by | May 9, 2022 | Top Content Center Articles

If you live in San Bernardino, chances are you have had installed vinyl windows. Repairs may, at some point be necessary, even if this type of window is not common. Companies that specialize in vinyl window repair in San Bernardino can address the issues.

What are Vinyl Windows?

Since 1970, companies have been installing vinyl windows. Made out of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), it is one of the world’s most widely produced synthetic plastic polymers. They have come to challenge the supremacy of wood windows in a short period. Currently, the two types of windows boast approximately the same market share.

Why Choose Vinyl Windows?

Why are vinyl windows so popular? They are

  • Affordable: They often come in at around half the price of wood
  • Durable: The need for vinyl window repair is rare. While less durable than wood is, they last 20 years or more
  • Energy Efficient: The insulation of the window frame protects against energy loss

Important to modern homeowners in San Bernardino is upkeep. Vinyl windows require little to no maintenance. They do not need painting or repainting. Repairs only become necessary when the frames suffer from chips, cracks, dings, stains or the seams pulling apart. The climate does play a role in determining what, if any, issues occur.

Repairing Vinyl Windows

Vinyl windows are durable but they can and do suffer from various issues. While not frequent, vinyl window repair may become essential. This is true as the vinyl window’s frame ages or the insulation around the window becomes worn.

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