Vital Information About Bail Bonds In Montague County, TX

by | Feb 27, 2020 | Bail Bonds

In Texas, criminal defendants could acquire a release from the county jail based on their ability to pay their bail. However, if the defendant is unable to pay all of their bails, a bail bond could assist. A local bondsman provides bail bonds in Montague County, TX for a percentage of the total balance.

Is the Full Bail Value Required?

No, a bail bonds in Montague County, TX provides the option to pay a percentage of the bail bond only. The bondsman calculates the total payment after the court issues the bail value. The payment is provided via cash or by providing the bondsman some form of collateral.

Are Defendants Released on the Weekend?

In some jurisdictions, it is possible for the defendant to be released on the weekend after office hours. Typically, the bondsman has a network of contacts that enable them to discuss the case with a judge. If possible, the bondsman could get the judge’s signature on the release documents and arrange for the defendant to get out of jail.

What Happens if Collateral is Used?

The bondsman acquires the title or deed to the property or asset used for collateral. The terms of the bond require the defendant to attend all court dates as issued by the court. The defendant’s attorney must provide those details to the defendant. Additional terms could apply according to the exact crime for which the defendant is accused. If the defendant’s bond is revoked, the bondsman collects the collateral from its owner.

Who is Responsible for the Bond Payment?

The individual who signs the contract with the bondsman is responsible for the bond payment. If the defendant doesn’t complete the terms of their release, the individual’s signature appears on the contract must provide the full bail value to the bondsman.

In Texas, criminal defendants must provide a cash payment or collateral to obtain a bail bond. The financial devices are used instead of submitting the entire bail value. Once the bond is approved, the judge provides release documents to a bail bondsman. Defendants who need more info about bail bonds in Montague County, TX are encouraged to contact Texoma Bail Bonds for more details.

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