Vital Tips For Baby Boomer Health

by | Oct 6, 2014 | Health & Fitness

For a generation that has had its smooth life and wants to live longer, eating healthy and staying fit are very essential. Besides having regular controlled exercises and proper stress management, eating appropriate food is necessary for their well-being and graceful aging. Their diet should always be checked, and should constitute low fat and low cholesterol foods, as they are critical is preventing chronic ailments like heart attack and some cancers. It helps in maintaining Baby Boomer Health at optimum levels.

As you age, there are changes that occur in your body. They include changes in hormonal balance, reduced metabolism, decreased immunity and slow healing process, loss of elasticity in connecting tissues among others. Some of the consequences associated with such changes are lower levels of energy, increased susceptibility to sickness, low sex drive, gray hair and wrinkling. Such conditions can however, be prevented by eating baby boomer health foods at Youthh2O. One thing to note is that caloric needs decrease with age, so minimize your caloric intake while increasing the amount of fibers in your diet. Eat foods that are rich in vitamin D and calcium, as well as fruits, vegetable and grains. Calcium increases bone density and makes you stronger.

Debilitating ailments like cancer and arthritis are a primary concern in Baby Boomer Health. They can, however, be prevented or minimized by consumption of foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, which are found in a number foods, notably in fish. It is recommended that you eat such food twice a week. Another ailment that is mostly associated with old age is high blood pressure. The best way to control this condition is through proper regulation of physiology by reducing the consumption of sodium-rich foods. The amount of salt taken should be limited. It is also suggested that consumption of pre-packaged or frozen foods should be reduced.

All in all, healthy eating that increases your longevity is purely a matter of self-discipline. Other than checking your diet, other habits should also be controlled. Reducing the amount of alcohol consumption and quitting smoking are imperative in ensuring that you live healthily and avoid chronic ailments. The increase in mortality has been attributed to obesity and poor nutrition.

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