Warning Signs that Your Basement Has a Leak

by | May 3, 2019 | Construction and Maintenance

Sometimes, you are stuck wondering whether or not you should call in the professionals. However, if you know the signs to look for in your basement, then you will know when you should contact Mold Removal Services in Staten Island NY area to help you resolve the issue. Therefore, here are the warning signs that mean your basement is having big problems:

Visible Signs of Leakage

There are some signs that are easy to spot at once. These visual signs mean that a leak is occurring in your home. It could be something that gets worse over time and builds to cause more damage in and around your basement. This includes dark spots, mold, or visible water stains. If you spot any of these, then there is trouble brewing in your basement.

Smelling Mold

You should not smell anything moldy or musty in a normal basement. However, a basement with a leak that needs to be repaired is an exception. It means there is water that has been allowed to build up somewhere in the basement. This is something you should deal with as soon as you can.

Carpet or Furniture Ruined

If you notice that all of the sudden you have certain furniture or carpets that are ruined on the bottom, this did not happen out of nowhere. It means there is a leak. If you don’t do anything about it, it might continue to spread.

When it comes to Mold Removal Services in Staten Island NY, they can help you get your basement and your home back to normal. Of course, they can’t do that unless you call them over in the first place. So make sure you are able to recognize the signs above. That way, you can get the help from professionals that you need to keep your basement running well.

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