Ways to Safely Use Needles and Other Instruments in CA Hospitals

by | Dec 8, 2020 | Medical Equipment

While working in a hospital, you’ll usually need to use needles with some of your patients. They could be needed for vaccinations or when you’re starting an IV. No matter what reason you’re using needles, there are some precautions to keep in mind so that you and your patients are safe.


There will likely be a container in the room when you’re working with a patient. This container is typically red in color and has a secure lid on the top. As a component of hospital safety, you need to dispose of any needles or other sharp items that you use with patients in this container.

Using Needles

When you get a needle to use, a component of hospital safety to remember is that you shouldn’t bend the device or use it if the cap is broken. You shouldn’t place the cap back on a used needle so that someone else can use it or if you didn’t use the needle with the patient.

Cleaning Your Supplies

After using a needle or other sharp instruments with patients, you need to make sure they aren’t left in any linens that the patient will use or on the bed itself. Don’t leave needles or sharp items on tables that are near the patient’s bed or in a location where the patient could get the item. If the patient uses the device after you leave it within reach, then you could be disciplined for your actions, especially if the patient is severely injured.

Contact Sharp Fluidics, LLC for more information about safety when you use needles and other sharp objects.

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