What Are Eyebrow Hair Extensions And Their Benefits

by | Jun 13, 2016 | Salons and Spas

Everyone was amazed when the eyelash extension moved through and revolutionized the world, but eyebrow hair extensions are new and still a little confusing to some. For most, eyebrows aren’t anything to worry about, as long as you have two of them. However, more and more women are choosing to pluck, wax, and color or apply creams and powders to achieve the style of brow they want. None of that is necessary if you consider these new extension options, but understanding them and their benefits is a necessity before you can make a decision.


The benefits of such a service can be many. For one thing, your brows are important to give your face symmetry. If they’re too thin, the wrong color or completely gone, you may look older or have less confidence.

It is extremely beneficial to those who have had hair loss issues or chemotherapy. You’ll lose your hair in all areas. You can find wigs and other options for the head and can use fake eyelashes, but coloring the brows will look odd. Therefore, eyebrow hair extensions can give you full, beautiful brows without the oddness of powders and creams.

Older women will start to notice that they have scars, vitamin deficiencies, hormonal imbalances and more. Pair that with over-plucking the brows and you may find that they look worse than ever. With an extension, you won’t have that problem and can still have a symmetrical and youthful-looking face.

Most women turn to makeup to make themselves look better. Mascara, brow powder, lipstick, eyeshadow and more have to be used to create a youthful, beautiful appearance. However, when your eyelashes and eyebrows look perfect and frame your face well, you don’t need as much eye makeup. You can get away with a little blush and lipstick and can head out to face the day.

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