What Are The Best Things To Do With A Honey Baked Ham?

by | May 3, 2023 | Food and Drink

A honey baked ham is an incredibly tasty treat for anyone, and it’s a versatile food you can use in any meal in many forms.

It can make a delicious part of a breakfast to start off your day in the tastiest way possible, or thinly sliced, it can be used in sandwiches, as part of an antipasti, or as a whole joint of ham; it can be the centre of an incredible dinner whether you’re having it for yourself, or looking to impress guests.

One of the best things you can do with a honey roast ham is to have it as the feature of a roast dinner, it’s great amongst every other element of a roast dinner, from parsnips to potatoes, and it delivers a delicious punch of flavour to complement the rest of the dinner that will leave you thinking about it for days.

How can you get honey baked ham?

Honey baked ham can be bought as pre-cooked slices for use in sandwiches, antipasti, and the like, or as a pre-prepared ham, ready to be put into the oven to bake and eaten fresh, or you can cook a honey baked ham from scratch yourself.

Is honey baked ham bad for you?

There’s often talk of the bad sides of eating too many pork products, but in truth, consuming any food very regularly and in large quantities would be harmful to anyone, regardless of the food. But, in moderation, honey baked ham is a very nutritious food, indeed. Honey baked ham is full of selenium, zinc, phosphorus, and iron. It is particularly useful for supporting thyroid function, bone health, and boosting your immune system and production of energy. So as part of a balanced diet, honey baked ham will, in fact, serve to improve your health.

To find a supplier to offer you the best honey baked ham, visit horgans.com today

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