What Are The Commonest Causes Of Back And Neck Pain?

by | Jan 6, 2015 | Health

Many people across the country are experiencing neck and back problems due to changing their lifestyles as well as other occupational factors. This problem comes in levels, and every level can get worse if you fail to see your doctor at the early stages. Though the neck and back pain may be temporary and minor, their advanced level can be very dangeraous and therefore you should visit doctors at their onset to remain in good health.

Unlike in the days gone when people associated neck and back pain with the old people, nowadays children have become victims as well. Parents should, therefore, take their children for neck and back check-ups to treat the condition early enough it advances. Booking an appointment with Back And Neck Pain Colorado Springs doctors is important for your health and that of your children. You should contact Brian C. Helland D.C. There are many causes of back and neck pain, and they include:

Muscle strains: Hunching over a steering wheel for many hours causes your neck and back muscles to strain. Your neck muscles could also strain when you read in your beds in a lying position or even when you grit your teeth for a long time.

Worn joints: All the joints of your body tear and wear with age. Similarly, your neck joints can suffer from osteoarthritis that causes much pain on your neck.

Compression of nerves: This problem occurs when the bone spurs and herniated disks takes much space of your neck or back vertebrae. The overgrown disks and spurs press on the neck and back nerves that branch out from your spinal cord thus causing much neck and back pain.

Injuries and diseases: People who jerk their head forward and backward stretch the muscles around the neck and back thus causing neck and back pain. Cancer, meningitis, and rheumatoid diseases are also major causes of back and neck pain.

The following are preventive measures that chiropractor give to people with back and neck problems:

  • Exercise regularly
  • Follow a nutritious diet
  • Stretch your ligaments and muscles to gain flexibility
  • Assume the right posture always
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Avoid footwear that strain your back
  • Avoid smoking manage stress effectively

Brian C. Helland D.C is proficient and experienced in dealing with back and neck problems. Click here to know more.

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