What Are Your Thoughts On Pool Deck Pavers?

by | Apr 6, 2016 | Business

Obviously, only those of us with our own swimming pools will ever really need to give much thought to this subject. Having said that, those of us who, for whatever reason, do not have our own pool do, from time to time, make use of other people’s pools – probably in resorts, country clubs, hotels or the like. If you are in this category, you may well have had reason to curse at certain types of pool deck pavers.

  • Slip And Slide – you are at the pool to get wet. Have you ever been close to taking a nasty tumble because the pool owner has covered the deck right beside the pool with some sort of nice looking, but extremely slippery when wet tile surface?
  • Toe Stubbing – you are not too familiar with whatever it is that the owner has laid down for the deck but after stubbing you toe on a raised portion you know for sure that it has not been paved evenly.
  • Too Hot To Handle – The sunnier the day and the hotter the air temperature, the more you desire a cooling dip in the pool. But – agony – when you have to walk or run a gauntlet of poolside paving that is hot enough to burn the soles of your feet.

Bear all of this in mind for the day when you have decided that it is time for you to have your own pool – what you use for the pool deck pavers can cause or avoid the above listed problems.


We would all wish for our pool to resemble that at a spa or resort (even if on a smaller scale) but we should try to avoid falling into the trap of choosing a pool deck design that utilizes materials that can give rise to those problems above. Appearance must be combined with safety and comfort as well as cost and ease of installation and maintenance.

Solid Natural Stone

Here we will be looking at the likes of granite, marble, limestone, travertine, dolomite or coral stone all of which are available with differing coloration and surfaced so as to be skid and slip resistant. Natural stone has less tendency to heat up on its surface than ceramics and is usually more comfortable underfoot. Natural stone has high density giving it strength to avoid cracking and other problems, it is also relatively easy to lay in place using the cost effective sand setting method. Importantly, it is fairly easy to keep clean.

If you are looking for natural stone Pool Deck Pavers, Stone Hard Scapes in Florida have a wide selection of stone in 8 different colors. They also supply matching Bullnose for coping and steps.

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