What Can Foot Reflexology Therapists in Honolulu, HI Learn From a Massage?

by | Jan 21, 2019 | Physical Therapy

A professional foot massage can be incredibly relaxing but many readers likely don’t realize that it can also be extremely healthful. Want proof? Read on to find out about a few of the health problems that can be detected and treated by Foot Reflexology Therapists in Honolulu HI.

Migraines and Headaches

A foot reflexology therapist can tell if his or her clients are experiencing migraines by looking for signs of tension in the toes. Reflexology is based on the Chinese idea that different areas of the feet correspond to different body parts.

The head and brain reflexes are located in the big toes, while the sinus reflexes coincide with the tips of the little toes. An experienced foot reflexology therapist will be able to determine the cause of a client’s headaches by evaluating whether any of these points are congested or tense.

Stress and Tension

Fear and anger, which are regulated by the body’s adrenal glands, are associated with a small area of the ball of the foot located under the big toe. When clients are relaxed this area will feel soft and when they’re stressed it will feel hard. Massaging this area of the foot can be helpful in reducing stress and tension.

Knee Stiffness

Clients who have injured their knees in the past tend to experience more tenderness in the area of the foot where the skin meets the sole. When Foot Reflexology Therapists in Honolulu HI massage this area they can tell whether the corresponding knee is feeling stiff or sore from an old injury and work to alleviate it.

Digestive Issues

The reflexes corresponding to the digestive system can be found on the bottom of the feet in the soft area between a client’s balls and heels. If this area is congested it may be an indicator of IBS or another form of digestive system upset. Many clients also report that this part of the foot massage is one of the most satisfying, regardless of whether or not they’ve been experiencing stomach problems.

Get Started Today

Curious to learn more about foot reflexology? Call to schedule an appointment with a therapist or Visit the website to find out more today. Find us on Facebook!

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