What do auto salvage yards do?

by | Sep 12, 2014 | Automotive

Auto salvage yards in Phoenix are in the business of buying cars that are inoperable, removing useable parts from them and reselling them. What is left of the vehicle is then disposed of by recycling. These operations take place in a salvage yard, often called an auto junk yard. It is an ideal business practice as it prevents the destruction and waste of perfectly good auto parts that can be used by others as well as environmentally friendly as the remainder of the vehicle is recycled rather than disposed of in a landfill site.

On a global scale automobile manufacturing is perhaps the largest industry anywhere, as a result of the volume of vehicles it can be expected that there will be an equal amount of waste. This waste cannot be accommodated by already overstressed landfills; this leaves an opportunity for salvage yards. There are many useable parts on vehicles which are no longer roadworthy, salvage yards in Phoenix can strip and resell all these usable parts. Statistics indicate that even after a car has reached the end of its useful life that a full 75% of the parts are still salvageable, this is higher than any other mass produced product.

In the car salvage business the operators go through three phases. The first phase gets the vehicle ready for salvage; all the fluids including fuel, oil and coolants are drained off to ensure that these do not seep into the water table, then the fuel tank, battery and tires are removed.

The bulk of the fluids that are captured can be recycled as is the battery. The battery and tires can be recycled or they can be sold as used parts. Once the fuel tanks are drained they are recycled as scrap metal. Tires that are of no further use and cannot be reused are either sent for re-treading, ground up for use in road construction or burnt in facilities licensed to do so.

The salvage yards in Phoenix can now evaluate what is left, depending on the condition these parts can be resold as is or sent to companies that specialize in rebuilding parts.

Almaimports modern auto salvage yards in Phoenix maintain all their useable parts and their physical location on a computer data base. Parts that can be salvaged and resold can include complete front or rear ends, doors bumpers, engines, transmissions and much more. As the cost of parts purchased from a salvage yard is low, consumers can lower the cost of repair of their own vehicles.


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