What Documents Should a Debtor Take to a Consultation with a Bankruptcy Law Firm in St. Petersburg FL?

by | Sep 22, 2020 | Lawyers and Law Firms

The decision to seek bankruptcy protection is not something that comes easily for many people. When it seems as if there is no other solution, it makes sense to contact a bankruptcy law firm in St. Petersburg FL, and schedule a consultation. Before the day of the meeting, take the time to assemble the documents that will help the attorney understand the situation.

Documents you might need include:

Verification of the Debts

Any type of document that provides the latest information about any credit accounts should be brought to the meeting at the bankruptcy law firm in St. Petersburg FL. Credit card statements along with a breakdown of any charges made since the last issued statement are a must. Statements with the current balances on any loans from banks or other lenders should also be brought along. If the debtor owes money to any tax agency, letters confirming the current balance must be included.

The goal is to provide the attorney with details about the types of debt involved. Some types of debt, notably taxes and student loans, are considered priority debt and can only be discharged in a chapter 7 bankruptcy in certain cases.

Income Information

Details about all sources of income, including current cash in bank accounts, should also be provided. Paycheck stubs, current bank statements, anything else verifying income is an important part of the bankruptcy attorney’s assessment. If you are self-employed, tax returns from the last few years and any current year income statements will suffice.

Information about Other Assets

If you have other assets a list of those should be prepared in advance. That includes any real estate holdings, stocks and bonds, and anything else that would be of some value. Information about assets that could be liquidated, such as a second home, to cover all or part of the debt will have some influence on the advice provided by the attorney.

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