What Does Good Landscape Design Involve?

by | Jun 7, 2023 | Landscaping

A picture drawn on paper that consists of your favorite plantings does not constitute a good landscape design nor guarantee great results for your Asheville NC property. It may be a stat, but there is so much more to creating a great design for your current and/or future landscape. 

Basic Concepts of Landscape Design in Asheville, NC

Good landscape designs share certain concepts. The approach a landscape designer takes depends upon the answers to certain questions and how they relate to the basic concepts. The best results are constructed on:

  • The size and proportion of the landscape
  • What are the existing – if any, landscape features e. g. plantings, hardscapes, water features
  • What is the intent of the new landscape? Is it to be used for leisure, active play, events or other purposes?
  • Is there a theme to be employed in the design? Is it to be expressed in color, size, plantings or other method?
  • What are the characteristics of the existing environment? Is it affected by drought conditions? Does it abut a wetland or other sensitive area?

This does not mean landscape designers ignore other significant and impacting factors. They give serious consideration to the color, form, texture, line and scale of both softscape and hardscapes. 

Summing Up If you want to create a good landscape design, you need to include diverse elements. You must combine both hardscape and softscape. Your landscape needs to be aware of how the combination of these two basic aspects of landscaping design work together to create a unified and holistic result.

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