What Happens at a Holistic Addiction Treatment Center in San Fernando, CA?

by | May 19, 2022 | Health

Finding a reliable addiction treatment center in San Fernando, CA used to be hard, but it is not anymore. Now, patients are given holistic treatments, assessing their physical and mental health. When someone has become addicted to substances, the body develops a dependency. Suddenly ceasing drug use can throw it into shock, destabilizing homeostasis.

Most recoveries begin with post-acute withdrawal symptoms, such as sweating and nausea. Nevertheless, some withdrawal symptoms may be severe enough to be considered life-threatening. Medically supporting those in recovery is often the first step to wellness. By using supportive medications, the most severe effects are lessened, enhancing patient adherence.

Thorough Admissions Process

The first step toward a personalized treatment program is addressing patient needs. Unless each individual has received specialized care, their odds of recovery are lower.

Holistic Addiction Treatments

Once clients pass through the admissions process, they assimilate into the program. Living at the rehab facility means waking up at 6:30 AM to begin the day with yoga. During the day, eligible individuals receive permission to visit family, offering needed support. On Sundays, clients are taken to an I-Max theater and get to enjoy a film together.

Group-Based Therapies

After assimilating into the program, group therapy begins to play a role. These therapies focus on interpersonal skill development, which improves long-term success.

12-Step Emphasis

In addition, the entire program’s basis derives from AA’s 12-step foundations. These steps have assisted many of those in recovery, giving them structure. Contact Action Drug Rehabs – Santa Clarita Outpatient Services at actiondrugrehab.com.

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