What If Your Claim For Social Security Benefits Is Denied?

by | Feb 23, 2015 | Law

The application process for Social Security disability benefits is a very complicated process and can be extremely frustrating for a person who has little or no idea of the law and legal terms; even if an applicant manages to work through the application it can take what seems forever to see approval. If your application is denied consider yourself in good company; about 75 percent of the applications are. Eventually many applicants are successful upon appeal, this is where having a skilled Social Security attorney in Livonia can help, however as the application process is so complicated many applicants hire an attorney right at the outset to help them, ensuring that they don’t make any of the common errors that result in denial.

Common reasons for denial of benefits:

Nobody knows who wrote the book but the SSA seems to have a very lengthy list of reasons why your claim was denied. Although there are many reasons there are a few that are the most commonly used, by taking these reasons into account when you prepare your application your claim may go a little smoother.

Insufficient medical records: This is more or less reason number one for seeing your claim denied. You may be of the opinion that your followed the instructions to the letter and complied with the demands but don’t be surprised if the administration asks for more, you may even have to have further tests taken by a doctor who is agency approved. It is important that you include every shred of information from any medical practitioner or hospital that has been involved in your case.

* Doctor’s orders: Following your doctor’s orders is important, if the SSA have any reason to believe you did not, expect your claim to be rejected out of hand. If you have made a sincere effort to follow a treatment discipline the SSA are more likely to approve your claim.

* Not expected to be disabled long enough: When you apply for disability benefits they will not be granted if they have not lasted for 12 months; are expected to last for 12 months or the condition is expected to be fatal.

* Conviction of a crime: If your disability is the result of something that happened while you were in the process of committing a crime you can expect your application to be denied with finality. The SSA does not pay benefits to any applicant who is currently incarcerated as well.

With the number of reasons that the SSA can use to deny your application for disability benefits, the applicant who hires a Social Security attorney in Livonia has a far better chance of gaining approval at the initial application stage or during the appeals process.

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