What is best, in patient or outpatient drug rehab programs?

by | Jul 20, 2016 | Health

When you have decided to seek help for yourself or for someone you love who suffers a drug abuse problem, you will have to choose between inpatient and outpatient rehab. Both have their own pros and cons, to ensure that you or your loved one gets the right help you should first understand the difference between inpatient and outpatient drug treatment centers in Oklahoma.

  • What is inpatient treatment?

In the US there are well over 25 million teens and adults that require treatment for drug abuse; the most common approach is inpatient treatment. This method requires that the addict checks in to a treatment center and stays in the center day and night for the duration of the program. The program lengths vary depending on the individual, some are as short as 30 days while others can run for as long as three months. The first stage is detoxification under controlled and supervised circumstances and then participation in counseling and therapy.

  • What is outpatient treatment?

Those who opt for outpatient treatment stay in their homes at night and receive treated for their addiction at a center during the day. Although the actual treatment may be similar, outpatient treatment often puts the addict back into an environment at night which is not conducive to long term sobriety.

The benefits of inpatient drug treatment centers in Oklahoma are that the individual is 100 percent focused on recovery without any distractions from outside life. In the treatment facility it is impossible to access drugs, the result is, the chances of success is better and the chance of relapse is low. Residential centers often are better equipped and have specialized services available that may not be available in an outpatient program. Inpatient programs offer wider range of treatment options.

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