What is Blepharoplasty?

by | Apr 4, 2017 | Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty within the medical community, is a surgical procedure that is done in order to improve the appearance of the eyelids. Surgery may be done on either the upper or lower lids or both depending on what is needed. Some people have Blepharoplasty in Chicago done to correct aesthetic issues with their eyes and others have it done to fix problems with vision and other issues that heavy, baggy, or unsymmetrical eyelids can cause.

Eyelid surgery can treat:

  *  Loose or sagging skin which can hang lower than the normal level of the lid, thus affecting vision
  *  Fatty deposits on the upper or lower lids that result in puffiness in the eyelids
  *  Bags under the eyes, dark circles and minor issues in the area of the face around the eyes
  *  Drooping lower eyelids that expose the eye to irritants and other harmful side effects
  *  Excess skin and fine wrinkles- usually along the lower lid

Getting Blepharoplasty in Chicago

Good candidates for eyelid surgery include:

  *  Healthy individuals that have no underlying medical conditions that can impact healing or results
  *  Non-smokers and preferably those who are not heavy drinkers
  *  Individuals who have a good support system in place during recovery
  *  Individuals who know what can and cannot be accomplished and have realistic expectations
  *  Individuals without serious eye conditions or concerns

The eyes are the windows to the soul and the eyes play a large role in how the overall face appears to others. Fixing issues with the eyelids can drastically improve appearances and this can boost one’s confidence and self-esteem.

Your plastic surgeon is the greatest source of information you have and he or she will evaluate your facial anatomy, discuss in detail what procedures you may want to consider, and how a Blepharoplasty can help. When it comes to getting Blepharoplasty, Chicago has many options and one of the top surgical centers for this procedure can be found at Chicagoland Aesthetics. Contact them today to learn more!

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