What is General Liability Insurance?

by | Apr 21, 2017 | Insurance

Business liability, also known as general liability insurance, is a specialized coverage which most businesses simply must have. It is important to know what your general liability insurance in Suffolk County NY will and will not cover, so here are some basics you need to know:

What’s Typically Covered

Business brings with it some inherent risks and it is important to protect yourself against these as much as possible. That is why a business has general liability coverage. Here are some of the key things this coverage will help protect you from:

* Legal trouble such as lawsuits, investigations and settlements. If someone sues your business, any expenses will be taken out of the business and not your personal assists, and liability coverage also helps protect you so do you not lose all of your business income to the legal judgement.

* Injury damages that result from some non-employee being hurt while on your property such as tripping and falling in the parking lot or having a display in the lobby fall and hurt them.

* Miscellaneous fees and expenses and risks are usually guarded against as well. Liability insurance can help shield you from major losses in other situations such as if someone files a copyright violation against you for your marketing or advertising content.

What’s Not Usually Covered

Here are some situations where general liability insurance coverage will not offer you the protection you need:

* Employee injuries- for any employee of the business who is hurt on the property or while on the clock, a worker’s compensation insurance policy must be in place to cover these expenses.

* Professional mistakes- If you are a business offering assistance or guidance to other professional’s you will not be covered for any damages they sustain as a result of taking your advice and counseling.

* Auto-related coverage- standard business liability coverage will offer no protection against expenses related to auto accidents and a standalone auto policy must be purchased to protect your business.

Contact us today at website to see how easy it can be to get the right coverage and ensure your general liability insurance in Suffolk County NY is meeting all of your needs.

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