What Is The Meaning Of Local Movers In Chicago?

by | Feb 2, 2017 | Moving

Often people are confused about what constitutes a local move or a long distance move out of Chicago. This can be made even more confusing as different local movers may have slightly different definitions.

Most companies, including those moving companies that are national or even international in scope, tend to consider long distance moves as anything out of the state of Illinois but within the United States. All moves outside of the United States are considered international moves.

That leaves the local moves. Local moves are usually those moves within the state. However, come companies may further refine this definition to a geographic range around Chicago. These companies may consider any move within the city or within a 25, 50 or 100 mile range, or perhaps even further, as a local move.

Ask Questions

If you are moving within the city or the state, it is a simple question to ask local movers if your move qualifies as a local or a long distance move under their definition. This will make a difference in how the company provides a quote as local moves typically are charged on a flat rate per hour.

Long distance moves are charged based on the weight on the truck, mileage and other costs. These are also provided in the quote, so the customer has a clear picture of the move, at least when working with reputable companies.

Compare Prices

It is important to do your comparisons when hiring local companies to handle your move. There can be considerable differences in the quotes received, even if they are all either binding or non-binding estimates. Only compare the same type of estimate or quote, don’t compare binding to non-binding.

It is important to check out the movers you are considering, even for a short distance local move. This is easy to do just by searching the web and reading feedback from past customers.

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