What to do When Your Pet has a Medical Emergency: Tips to Get Appropriate Care

by | May 23, 2017 | Veterinarian

It is very scary when your pet has a medical emergency. These are associated with several scenarios, and none of them are something to look forward to. Your pet is an important part of your family, and their safety is of the utmost significance. Whether it be injury caused by an accident, or an acute illness that drives you to find an emergency vet in Wicker Park, there are some things you can do to stay calm. Staying calm helps you act in the correct manner, and it also assists your pet’s care team in providing effective treatment.

Tip #1: Have a Plan

Before anything goes terribly wrong with your cat or dog, make sure you have a plan. Having contact information and other key pieces of information keeps you calm in an emergency situation. It also saves precious time when trying to access emergency care, which can be the difference between life and death in serious situations.

Tip #2: Access the Situation

It is critical that you are aware of what is going on with your animal. This information is key when a vet is trying to treat your pet. Note times, symptoms, and other details around your pet during the emergency. If it is a sudden onset illness, these observations help your vet diagnose your pet. For injuries, details about the accident let the vet know what may have happened to your animal.

Tip #3: Phone Ahead

If possible, have someone else drive your pet to the hospital. During an emergency, your driving skills are likely to be compromised. This also gives you time to call the emergency clinic. A call prepares the veterinarian and support staff, and gives your pet the best chance at survival. Be smart in calling, distractive driving is illegal in many states, and a car accident has many risks to both your pet and yourself.

When your pet needs an emergency vet in Wicker Park, Village West Veterinary can help you.

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