What to Expect After Hiring a Disability Benefits Lawyer in Park Ridge

by | Nov 21, 2022 | Law

After you’ve decided to hire a disability benefits lawyer in Park Ridge, you may be wondering what to expect. Here’s a look at the process and what you can expect from your lawyer.

Your first meeting with a disability benefits lawyer will usually be a consultation. During this meeting, you’ll discuss your case, and the lawyer will get an idea of your chances of success. The lawyer will also let you know what to expect in terms of fees.

If you decide to hire a lawyer, they will likely request some information from you. This may include medical records, work history, and anything else that can help them build a strong case. Be prepared to answer questions about your condition and how it has affected your ability to work.

Once the lawyer has all the information they need, they’ll start working on your case. This may involve gathering more evidence, talking to witnesses, and filing paperwork. The goal is to build a strong case so that you can get the benefits you deserve.

Throughout the process, your lawyer will keep you updated on their progress. They’ll also let you know if there are any changes in the law that could impact your case.

Once the case is ready, your lawyer will present it to the Social Security Administration. If the administration approves your claim, you’ll start receiving benefits. If your claim is denied, your lawyer will help you appeal the decision.

Getting disability benefits can be a long and complicated process. But with the help of a qualified disability lawyer, you can increase your chances of success. Contact Jeffrey A. Rabin & Associates, Ltd. today to get started.

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